In August 2022, the average price of electricity was over 4 times higher compared to the same period last year!

Predictions: will the price of electricity increase in Italy?

The forecasts for electricity demand assume an increase in consumption also in our country. In Italy, the cost of kWh for the average Italian customer with a horizon of 2030 will increase. The reduction in consumption due to efficiency is exceeded by the growth in demand. The electricity system must have a considerable level of flexibility, due to the presence of non-programmable renewable plants.

With a simulator it has been calculated that the PUN Single National Price recorded on the Italian power exchange will increase mainly due to an increase in the price of gas and increased production costs due to CO2 permits.

In particular, for the electricity bill, the following is expected:

an increase in the cost of energy expenditure;

an increase in network costs resulting from the upgrades of transmission and distribution.

This despite a decrease in system charges, as in 2030 the incentives now destined for renewable plants will be exhausted.

Other features of the system to be taken into consideration are the excessive use of gas-fired power plants that are very expensive in production, bottlenecks and inefficiency of the transmission network, and finally taxation.

How to avoid the increase in the price of electricity?

It cannot be avoided but you can choose the most virtuous offset printing machines such as the RMGT which are equipped with the new eco drive motors. These machines can work in ECO-DRIVE mode, cutting costs by up to 70% with enormous operational savings which translates into lower production costs and more margin in printed jobs.